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Sunday 6 November 2011


hey guys bin grindin tryin to suyck me self off., bin doin stretchs twice a day and am almost there :-) if only i had more than 3 inchs to work with id be away but wat i lak in siz e i make up for in persistance! here is a photo from me gay datin site

if i stick me tounge out im almost there

heres me motivational song i play wen im tryin

Friday 7 October 2011

Hey guys x

thought i'd post my graph ov heads up vs zomgchrple
as u can see ive bin runnin soooo bad. i'm up a little bit at showdown but still some how loseing?!? wtf how can sum1 run this bad :'-(

its bin gettin a bit much so i had 2 take a job at burgerking to keep up my playboy lifestyle but only bin doin 30hrs a week so still got sum time 2 grind. its not all bad 1 of da boys who works ther is well fit + hes gay 2 and i sucked him off after work. yeah im a little slut ;-)

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Hey guys long time no blog

I've been having a bad time with life as of late. my dreamboard accounts been closed idk why :-( very tilting as I'd been grinding hard and made it up to VIP level.
Recently got back from my trip to Vegas, it was pretty bad tbh. I got bullied by scotty starburst who threatened to beat me up so I couldn't go out to any of the pkr events and had to spend most nights in my hotel, atleast I got in some quality time on dreamboard but even that's gone now fml.
been keeping a low profile on pkr ATM as I don't want to been seen playing below .50/1 on there and I need to get some serious grinding to get my roll back into 4 figures after Vegas. Beating 25nl pretty hard almost 2ptbbs! So hopefully I'll be back in no time!
See ya at the tables

Ps I'm a bender :-)

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Banned zomg an rchl

Just squealled 2 suport an got dem 2 ban zomgchiprrifle and rchlfmrfnrfds (what da fuk dos dat evn mean?) lol finaly can avoid da zomg chanlenge and get back to doin sum 100nl bumhuntin (woo hoo) as im runin low on funds atm :'-(

anyway in ova news saw me dad comin out of da showr da other day phwaor well hot! he gave me a smack for lookin but i luved it relly ;-) but wot dos he expect me 2 do when our house is so small??

Friday 22 October 2010

Im in trouble boys

Im in trouble boys. Early days, just cant have another 900 losing session like the first. Ill bring it back like a champion. I will play on Sunday next. Today, I play normal games and Saturday busy.
How does like RCHL except zomg? He acts like a 10 year old geek with no life skills. Without poker, he has no life
ps still gay so if u see me at the tables say hi ;-)

Thursday 21 October 2010

zomg canlenge

just palyd sum mor of da zomgchallnge im not an ego playa but i do fink i hav a ded big edge on him but tbh it isnt goin well 4 me at da minute he i just geting ded lucky obviously - hope me luck turns round soon cos its hard to ofset me loses to him bumhunting 100nl anywy skill will win in da long run so just gotta hope me roll can hang on, (bak down beloow $4K again :-S)
also i challngd him to a boxin prob bet (he has some screen shots he took in chat so can confirm dis) tbh im prob just gonna back out as i didnt really expect him to take up da offer (bit out off me depth cos i dont really box lol!) Tried the putting a large prop bet on it bluff too but that didnt work :-( but then i just said he livd 2 far away but he said he'd send a car for me!! anyway i managed to change da subject for now just gotta grind on makin up sum more excuses!

any good luck at da table (ps im gay so if u see me at the tables + r gay to let me know)

Tuesday 19 October 2010

where me fans R frm

just thought id post me blogs stats so far im well plzd dat i hav so many fans frm round da world pls subscribe!

edit if i can get a 1000 views me pal rchl will put a $100 free roll tourny on pkr
also feel free to use me blog image as ur stars/or poker forum avatar it brings ya good luck