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Wednesday 3 August 2011

Hey guys long time no blog

I've been having a bad time with life as of late. my dreamboard accounts been closed idk why :-( very tilting as I'd been grinding hard and made it up to VIP level.
Recently got back from my trip to Vegas, it was pretty bad tbh. I got bullied by scotty starburst who threatened to beat me up so I couldn't go out to any of the pkr events and had to spend most nights in my hotel, atleast I got in some quality time on dreamboard but even that's gone now fml.
been keeping a low profile on pkr ATM as I don't want to been seen playing below .50/1 on there and I need to get some serious grinding to get my roll back into 4 figures after Vegas. Beating 25nl pretty hard almost 2ptbbs! So hopefully I'll be back in no time!
See ya at the tables

Ps I'm a bender :-)

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