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Thursday 21 October 2010

zomg canlenge

just palyd sum mor of da zomgchallnge im not an ego playa but i do fink i hav a ded big edge on him but tbh it isnt goin well 4 me at da minute he i just geting ded lucky obviously - hope me luck turns round soon cos its hard to ofset me loses to him bumhunting 100nl anywy skill will win in da long run so just gotta hope me roll can hang on, (bak down beloow $4K again :-S)
also i challngd him to a boxin prob bet (he has some screen shots he took in chat so can confirm dis) tbh im prob just gonna back out as i didnt really expect him to take up da offer (bit out off me depth cos i dont really box lol!) Tried the putting a large prop bet on it bluff too but that didnt work :-( but then i just said he livd 2 far away but he said he'd send a car for me!! anyway i managed to change da subject for now just gotta grind on makin up sum more excuses!

any good luck at da table (ps im gay so if u see me at the tables + r gay to let me know)

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